Wednesday, 22 October 2014

D1 Advancement in the support systems

Advance in support systems:

Technology advancements have allow a lot more power to certain individuals, sometimes the bad but for the most part the good, these people could be teachers say in a school or the technicians that will fix something as small as email allowing teachers to send websites for the students to access without people going off on tangents getting the wrong information. Some websites can have material in it that shouldn’t be seen by students allows the teachers or it support to block the websites from being used or seen, this can help stop bulling be it across the web via things like Facebook’s and MSN. 

The disadvantage of such software is that there are many things limited be it websites, also with each entry the overseer can view all the work handed in some might put this down as a privacy breach as they don’t want some work to be seen. Work can be done at a much slower rate with the teachers overviewing everything that is going on within the computer, with the power mostly to the teacher they have the option to take control over some pupils computers to see their work stopping the pupil from advancing further, this means that the students virtually have no power as they can’t stop or sometimes don’t know when they are going to be monitored.  

When information is checked this can be a long process depending on the amount of work that is needed to be looked at, when a student or an employee working within a company has their work looked at they could have private information that they don’t want shared. There are policies in which a company has to abide by so information that is critical that might affect the company is leaked by the overseer, this isn’t a bad thing but sometimes information can be leaked out for malicious purposes. This can offend some people and put them at a disadvantage within the company.

There are a few software’s which allow people to look into the computers a big one is called Impero this is mostly used within the technical support as it gives a lot of management options and gives a lot of solutions to problems than might affect the company. This software is a quick block or report on anything that might cause malicious harm or be something that is inappropriate for the student to look at. It also allows for teacher to give a quick way of sending emails such as website addresses for the students to go on to get the work or information needed, a system like C2K with My-School.

With every software there are the disadvantages with this one it is the limitations on doing most things although it allows to block and send information that is about how much it will do, it wouldn’t be the most secure software either not many things are but when information is leaked it can cause an uproar.

Net support or My-School Fronter, this is a software which allows teachers to monitor and instruct on what needs to be done via seeing the work handed in or giving help sheets to instruct the students on how to do the work.  This allows for teachers to manage the students on what they are doing and to mark their work to see if anything is going wrong with misunderstanding. Again the disadvantage of this software is it is only educational bases and will only provide an overview this means that large companies can’t use the software as it is put under education use, the software in itself leaves a student vulnerable if information not meant to be unloaded is as the teacher can take full control locking folders and meaning that the student can go in and change or delete once the deadline is in.

Net OP or My-School  My Apps, this software on an overcast is software that allows the technical support to add in software that is only design for school education for particular fields meaning no new software can be added unless give permission. The advantage is that the school can keep a good system of software they know that will only need to be used by the students within the set courses. The main problem with it is some students studying within other schools say CLC might have different software installed than the present school they attend making the long process of getting the software required.

All the software shown above are near the same as they are educational bases they all give different types of ways in which to monitor the school system allows for more power to the teachers and less the student in terms of work submission or restrictive software usage.

With every software there are danger factors as well as having many advantages, as software they are good in what they are designed to do it’s only the people using them that has to be watched as well, educationally I don’t see there to be many large problems such as there is privacy between student and teacher and if broken can cause more problems. The software above could be changed to be used within organisations small in size as I believe large companies will have a more advanced and sophisticated software doing more than the three software’s above due to their limitations.

For a conclusion I will say that the software above is mostly about controlling the system there will be a lot of disadvantages and frustrations but if anything was to go wrong these software’s are great in that they can solve so many problems that might have been brought up. All software costs money some more than others what they give is the main reason some cost more than others everything has limitations but it’s what is needed rather than what is desired.

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